Rza Hell v3.0 Who do I reserve myself copy of v3.5 when and if it comes out? Simple, send one piece of mail with the subject as: “I want 3.5 when it comes out!” for the message include: Why you liked Rza Hell (what points standed out) How could i improve Rza hell ( list one way) Any macro ideas if your a person who goes through many accounts, you may not want to do this. Because along the way when i’m about to send and i see “ {Screen name} is not a known user”, i’m obviously just going to delete your name from the list and that will be that. How do I contact Rza? Simple, you can do one of two things. You can ask someone, just barge into macwarez and say “TELL ME RZA’S ACCOUNT NOW!” or you could just predict what my next name will be. Right now I’m RzaO2 (o the letter), so my next name will be RzaO3,thenO4 and so on.